021 280 0071


Some resources you will find helpful

Artwork Specification
Artwork Specifications

If you plan on supplying artwork that you have produced yourself, here you'll find some guidelines to ensure your job is produced correctly

International Paper Sizes
International Paper Sizes

Here is a useful reference for all the different paper sizes

Percent off calculator
Percent Off Calculator

A handy online calculator used to calculate the sale price of a discounted item after the percent off discount is applied

glossary of print terms
Glossary of Print Terms

Ever wondered what a Pica or Tiff is? Here are some printing terms and their definitions

glossary of digital photography terms
Glossary of Digital Photography Terms

The most common terms and their definitions when it comes to understanding digital photography

glossary of web terms
Glossary of Web Terms

Does web design sound like a foreign language? Here are some common terms to help you navigate the jargan


Artistic Guidelines: Paper Sizes, Glossary, and Savings Calculator